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Download: Jay Trivella e Fippy Cannatà - The Operativez (2005)

Il leggendario duo The Operativez è tornato nell'edificio.


gli operativez jay trivella fippy cannatà

Download: Jay Trivella e Fippy Cannatà - The Operativez (2005)

Il leggendario duo The Operativez è tornato nell'edificio.

strettoblaster 12/08/2011

The Operativez are one of the best-kept secrets of Italian underground.

Courtesy of Jay Trivella, we are very excited to finally give a wider audience and somehow a proper release to this lost gem from back in the days. Very few info is available about the project, which for unknown reasons has never been officially released, but lies in obscure hard-disks of few selected stoners, close to the duo.

Maybe you’ve previously heard of a gifted Calabrian emcee known as L-Mare, so this could help considering the fact, does it?

Jay Trivella kills the beats, Fippy rocks the mic and Godfather AK’s spirit overviews the whole operation.
Rough cuts not really finalized, but still enjoyable stuff, which is by far the best underground hip hop you can find coming from our sunny country. And we don’t say so because we’re talking about our family. Really. Grab the whole album with a bonus track here, and feel free to share it. Ladies and gents, please welcome The Operativez. Exclusively on strettoblaster dot com.

Out like sipalas in the wind.

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