It was about time to host Godzilla properly, innit?
Act One
(…)nothing then, I would say that we stay on the first idea, of the two independent mixes, so the file of the first half we can call it “Musical mMppazzone“, and the second half we call it “Take The Cannoli”,
and then you could use in the presentation this stuff of the Sicilian badass that sells badly cut vinyl, and I would say that they are two beats of a single musical project…I leave for Copenhagen on Tuesday…so you have carte blanche
Act Two
oh, but … in the end what do we call them? I say Mappazzone … I sampled Bruno Barbieri who says so, in the first one … ah obviously you have to specify that it’s all strictly vinyl, let’s cum in short
Act Three
I’m in Malpensa, which I think is the shittiest airport on the continent, and I thought…
let’s call it “Mappazz-One” with the hyphen, so in the future who know…
Courtesy of the one and only Godzilla, one of the central figures of sound system style in Italy, a very close (and extreme) friend of ours, with a suitcase of soul on his shoulders.
And what is a friend of ours, after this podcast, we are sure he will also be your friend.
Take these cannoli, ma’am.
DOWNLOAD: The Blast Podcast #75 – Godzilla in Mappazz-One
The Blast Podcast #75 – Godzilla in Mappazz-One da Strettoblaster su Mixcloud