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Jay Trivella’s “Night On Mare Street”: a free hip-hop mix

A Jay Trivella's lost sounds mix from East London


mare street night hip hop mixtape

Jay Trivella’s “Night On Mare Street”: a free hip-hop mix

A Jay Trivella's lost sounds mix from East London

strettoblaster 21/10/2016

Original elusive Jay Trivella on some hydro ish at night, on Mare Street.

Night on Mare Street, you can call it like this.
– …mmmm…Are you sure?
– Yes, come on, nobody will listen to it, for sure…
– …Oh, okay, then. What is all about?
– So…easy … in London the first winter colds arrive, the shadows get longer than usual, summer is a distant memory, vague, and the usual stench of hi-powered ganja bounces off the sidewalks and buildings.
– And it’s “ night ” on Mare Street. You know, a little teasing, uh…
– …
– Okay, bye.
– Bye…

Jay Trivella comes back from the Mare Street catacombs with a new mixtape, as you can see.
Night on Mare Street is the title of this latest Blast Podcast instalment, directly from East London to the whole world, on a cold bench with friends and booze, some stories of primary metropolitan socialization.
Greetings from the Eye of Mordor, with a selection of underground hip hop very gangsta.

FREE DOWNLOAD: The Blast Podcast #118 – Jay Trivella in NOM

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