Underlife RMX
FFiume, DJ Class K
Digital | 2019
Titoli di Nera Erma & FFiume
FORMATS: Digital
GENRE: Hip-Hop
Casa Degli Specchi invited us to dinner, we accepted and brought a bottle of Port wine.
An informal gathering between two Italian Hip-Hop veterans, such as Erma and FFiume, gave birth to a track that leaves no doubts about the fact that the diners will not fall asleep or indulge in sterile and easy whining, in hard times like the ones we live in.
“The historical period we live in is what it is, and I feel it is important to talk about it, set thoughts to music and share them, express which side we are on, and oppose the spread of all racism and populism. To each his own reading key, happy reading”. – FF
As a parallel between today’s state of Hip-Hop culture and the European mainstream, both prey to racism, materialism and other divisory ideas, FF presents a clear and violent vision.
“I made a dark dirty beat, Fiume poured rhyming bile on it. Hip-Hop is not dead, but it has had much better days…” – Erma.
The dirty and obscure beat that Erma packs for FF becomes the ideal place to release rhymes that compose an intricate and heartfelt fresco.
Erma and FFiume, present “Titoli di Nera”, enjoy.