Maggio is comparable to a flow of thoughts. Through clear images, Marco Scozzaro animates a personal diary.
Marco Scozzaro is the name of our friend and companion of funny nights, you may know him also as L’Oggetto.
Well, his Maggio photobook is amazing, and we have the pleasure of some previews right before its official release and thought to share this with you. We do it in a soft-spoken way because this release deserves it.
Although Maggio is not exactly a secret diary, it all brings with it a sort of subtle intimacy, which, however particular and subjective the matter may be, contributes to giving a universal value to a collection of very personal photographs.
This is how our story could begin, being a small but important part of a longer path, that of Marco Scozzaro, yet another Italian talent who goes to New York. From Italy, he brings a degree in psychology and the lens of a camera as fundamental baggage. In the pockets a lot of passion, talent out of the ordinary, and humility, qualities that actually don’t pay at home.

A photobook as space-time continuum: Marco Scozzaro’s creativity meets nostalgia.
In fact, when we talk about Maggio, and Marco, we start from Italy, and how, perhaps feeling the lack of his home country, this is remembered in multiple shots. These are mixed with images of his new daily dimension, New York.
In a recent chat with him, discussing the project, we talked about his newborn need, often common to those who are far from their homeland, to keep fragments of things and people with them, idealizing them too, and mixing them in a space-time continuum. Small and large unrelated stories, narrative fragments of a larger story, take on an autonomous life and become signifiers of parallel worlds.
Places, people, relationships, feelings, details, memories: every little trace contributes to making the story compelling, and, as the author would say, thus creating “ a non-linear visual poem, trying to make sense of the own identity “. Not surprisingly, the emotional tension created by a portrait leaves room for psychological research, just as the still lifes and improvised structures return a clear snapshot of something that, from strictly personal, rises to universal in the collective imagination of a generation or two.

Maggio is the perfect way to talk about yourself without filters.
Surprisingly, too, if we think that it comes from a notoriously discreet person, and reluctant to the prevailing glamor and glitz . Maggio means “may”, in case you’re wondering.
In May, some of the fundamental things in the life of a man happened for Marco, and all of these have to do with important values, such as life, death, friendship, and love. All happened by chance, and all unrelated to each other. In this sense, the title of the work therefore does not reflect a period of the year, but of the soul. A mental season. All the shots were not taken in May. All the shots make up the invisible lines of an open letter.

At present, in addition to these shots we have selected for you, a rich preview of the work is already visible from Marco’s website, and we hope (we believe) to be able to enjoy the final version of the work on well-bound glossy paper very soon. Meanwhile, exclusively for us, a gallery with a series of absolutely unpublished photos from the desk of Mr. Scozzaro, who gives us the making of of the book that is currently circulating on the desks of a couple of publishers we can’t tell you about.