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PPP: the legendary saga from Palmi

Palmi Pugnette Project, or the cult of the underground


PPP: the legendary saga from Palmi

Palmi Pugnette Project, or the cult of the underground

strettoblaster 13/10/2011

Freshly upped on the tube from unknown souls, some lost files from a deep archive. J Trivella told me about it, and here’s him and Fippy tearing down the house on this, with an enormous and rare sax part played by the late great John Lombardo, who suddenly disappeared from the scenes around 2003. One of our all-time favs.

Light years before the Operativez, there was Afyon Oppio Gang and PPP, crazy combos and weird rhymes ahead of their times. You can also listen to other people and different projects flowing at that same time on the tube channel brought to you by battenteidraulico, check it out and let us know.

Out like Mimmuccio in troubles.

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